Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

As far as top-notch commercial roofing materials are concerned, in terms of performance and longevity, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is definitely among the top materials on the list. SPF has a range of benefits to its name, including waterproofing, insulation, and energy efficiency.

When it comes to the application of spray foam, it is spread in the form of liquid that expands quickly to multiple times its original volume, into a foam. This form then eventually molds into the shape of a solid layer that adds to your existing roof. During the time that the liquid experiences expansion, it flows into crevices, cracks, and tears in your damaged roof and dries into a monolithic watertight layer of protection over the entire roof.

Why Choose Spray Foam?

Provided that you maintain your spray polyurethane foam roof properly, aside from getting years of high-quality performance out of your commercial roofing system, you also get to benefit from several other perks.

For starters, spray polyurethane foam is quite easy to install and maintain. It has the ability to be applied quickly on the commercial roof’s surface, causing minimum disturbance to your business activity.  Regardless of the sort of design of your commercial roof, spray foam will adjust on it smoothly.

On top of that, once the application of spray foam on your roof is done, it will need little maintenance throughout the course of its life. Barring weather extremes, it does not require inspection more than twice a year. It is worth noting that if you maintain your spray polyurethane foam roof appropriately, you can expect decades of protection.

Furthermore, a spray polyurethane foam roof boosts the energy efficiency of your business premises, and provides protection against heat, air drafts, and moisture. As a result, your premises remain completely insulated. This improved insulation decreases thermal fluctuations.  With a more energy-efficient building, you will notice a reduction in your utility bills.

In addition to all this, spray polyurethane foam is odorless.  It also resists the growth of fungi or mildew. Better still, its smooth nature allows it to reduce the shock impact on your roofing structure.

Having spray foam roofing on top of your commercial building also has many other upsides. You can contact Yoder Commercial Roofing at (800) 915-6270 for more details!

Spray Foam Application by Yoder Commercial Roofing

Just like any other roofing service, before spray polyurethane foam is installed on your commercial roof, a detailed inspection and evaluation of your roof needs to be conducted by the professional roofers, at Yoder Commercial Roofing.

This inspection serves to identify any areas of concern and ensure that a spray polyurethane foam roofing system is the most appropriate for your needs.

By utilizing superior materials and first-class workmanship, Yoder Commercial Roofing makes sure that your project reaches completion in a timely and effective manner.   To schedule your consultation, call us today at 800-915-6270.